Monday, March 25, 2013

Almost a finish

Here is what is on my design floor.

I started my scrappy mountain majesties in Atlanta on February 2nd and am now getting it to a top. This is lap quilt size so dh and I won't fight over the blanket while watching tv.
I just don't know what kind of border to put on it, if any.
I'm still creeping along on my spiderweb quilt. its my leader/ender project.
Today was lovely outside. It was definitely a beautiful spring day. Then about an hour and a half ago it started raining. So it is now more like a spring day here in Oregon.

1 comment:

  1. I like your scrappy mountain majesty quilt. Great idea to do it in red and white. I wouldn't put a border on it...maybe just a red binding? Really, any color binding would go with it (green!).
